
Hangouts gets first update

Hangouts update 

Well, that was fast. Google has just pushed out an update to the Google Hangouts app. They don’t list anything special in the What’s New section though. It moves the app from version to version That is a pretty good size jump in versions. It definitely doesn’t bring SMS support, I tried.  I see a ‘NOTE’ on the app description that I don’t remember seeing yesterday though. But that could have been updated prior to this release.

NOTE: If you aren’t yet able to install Hangouts on your phone or tablet, or the Play Store “Open” button takes you to the old Talk app, hang tight, we are rolling out Hangouts to everyone over the course of several days. Rest assured Hangouts will be available soon for all Android 2.3+ devices, tablets included.

Thankfully we have included the all the apks from Google I/O in another post which you can find HERE. As far as the update, it seems likely they are getting various issues and bugs fixed as they roll out Hangouts to everyone. For now we will have to see what happens.

Hangouts Play Store link