
HBO Go receives an update, now with Samsung Epic 4G Touch Support

One of the downfalls of a new device launch is easily the lack of device support by some applications. You will normally find that most of your applications will work just as they did on your old device. Some applications, mainly those streaming type, sometimes need a good kick in the rear before you can start using them again. The HBO Go application was one of those apps that found its self in a  little hot water. That didn’t last very long though.

HBO has released an update to its app to support the Samsung Epic 4G Touch. If you happen to already have the app installed and you updated it through the market you may find that it still isn’t working. To resolve that issue you will need to access the application data and clear it. Here’s how that works –

  • On your homescreen, press the Menu button.
  • Go to Settings, Applications, Manage applications.
  • Scroll down the list until you find the HBO Go app, then press its entry on the list.
  • Press the “Clear data” button.

Once completed, relaunch the application and resign in. As is good in the world again. Feel free to check out the application below if you haven’t already, be sure your cable or satellite company provides the service before you get to excited for it though.

Application: HBO Go
Developer: Home Box Office Inc.
Cost: FREE

Source: AndroidCentral