
HD Widgets 4 Beta testing commences with official roll-out May 1st

There is always something seemingly gratifying about beta testing an update or a completely new app. has just released a a new HD Widgets 4 update for their beta testing community to fiddle about with and check out prior to the May 1st official public roll-out. The new HDW 4 brings in a lighter and fresher UI with a major under the hood revamp.

HD Widgets 4 Beta
The new update also brings in a side menu, hourly forecast graph and a 7-10 day forecast. also has a new colourform in testing as well. The colourform app is an add on app that offers up a larger variety of color options and widget styling. also makes mention of new preferences, support, guides, widgets and more that will be announced next week.

Getting involved in the beta is a s easy as joining the beta Google+ test group and following a few simple instructions. Below are the links you will need to visit to get involved and get to testing.

HD Widgets Google+ Community PC link

If you’re on mobile:

HD Widgets 4 beta:

Colourform 2 beta: