
HD2 gets AOSP port of Ice Cream Sandwich up and Running

The HD2 is a device that will just never die. Originally housing Windows as its operating system and then converted over to Android. I have many friends still rocking this device and they are still loving it. Even if some of the steps to get things up and running are drastically different then many are used too, it is still a fairly easy process. If you have already taken the plunge and switched your device to Android the rest is pretty easy. If not, then you are going to want to do a little reading ahead of time.

The evolution of the HD2 has now taken the next step. One of the biggest names in HD2 development is tytung, he has now created a port of ICS based off the Nexus One AOSP by texasice.  A lot of work has gone into this build and we are pleased to say that most things are working pretty darn good.


  • Calling (mic works they can hear you)
  • Audio (partially)
  • SMS
  • Data: 3G/HSDPA (RMNET has connect/disconnect issues. Not test PPP yet.)
  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
  • Touchscreen
  • Vibration
  • Charging
  • Compass
  • BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer
  • AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor
  • AK8973 Orientation sensor
  • CM3602 Proximity sensor
  • CM3602 Light sensor

Things that are still not functioning include USB Mass storage, Camera and hardware acceleration. If you are a die hard Android fan though, I know many of you will head over to the thread and pick it up for testing. Take a look at a few more screen if you want and then head over to tytung’s xda thread for instructions and files needed.

Let us know if you take the plunge and how it works out for you.

Source: XDA