
HiVE Launcher Concept – Looking to Bring True HoneyComb Launcher to Phones

When HoneyComb was announced and demoed everyone was in awe at what they saw. We all knew it was going to be a tablet only edition of Android. It didn’t take long for themers and modders to start porting over PNG’s and doing what they could to give us the look and feel of HoneyComb on our devices, but it still wasn’t the same.

There is a new potential launcher in the works. This is strictly a concept of how it could function on a handset. It seems to be doing pretty well. AS with all concepts, it may never come to light. The people behind it are looking for feed back and would like to know if there is a market for it in the Android community. I already told them ‘HECK YA!’

Head on over to their website,, and take a quick look for yourself and check out the interactive demo. Be sure to send them any comments or anything else you would like to tell them. Maybe if enough interest is shown they will try and build a real launcher for us to enjoy.

Thanks for the tip @Fjcb09