
Honeycomb 3.1 Running on Logitech Revue – Holy Crap!

It looks like the world may be ending. Seriously, we were told that Honeycomb 3.1 would be finding it’s way to the Logitech Revue by the end of summer. It is now nearly August and we have yet to hear any more information regarding it. @TheDroidGuy noticed a change in the web version of the market where devices are listed and it states “other”. That was speculated to be for the Logitech Revue and possibly other similar devices that might soon have market access.

Who would have thought that it would be possible sooner then anticipated. According to GTVHacker, they have a way to install Honeycomb 3.1 to any Logitech Revue box, and have a photo to prove it.

You see what we see! A brief look into the future of of what the Revue should have started out being. The guys over at GTVhacker stated this will work on ANY Revue and will be providing further instructions in the next few days. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for that. I know we will do everything we can to post it up when it is available.

This makes picking up a Revue for $100 worth it now. You might want to wait till we find out how easy or difficult this will be to install first.

Source: GTVhackerÂ