
Hopes of Android L on the Nexus 4 gain traction after Googlers spotted with build on Chromium

Android L on the Nexus 4It must be a nervous time being a Nexus 4 owner. After Google essentially left the Galaxy Nexus out in the rain when it released Android KitKat last year, it’s a possibility that Google might do the same with the Nexus 4 with Android L. While signs are pointing at a tentative “yes” for Android L on the Nexus 4, any new evidence is still a good thing. At the very least, it appears that Google employees themselves are testing Android L on the Nexus 4, spotted on the Chromium issue tracker as they discussed their issues with their current build, in this case LRW52G – the latest Android L build we have seen is LRW66E on the Nexus 5.

Android L on the Nexus 4With this news, the previous release of partial preview code to AOSP, and the fact that Google is updating the super-budget-friendly Android One devices, one would hope that Google will continue to update the Nexus 4 especially after the hell that has been wrought on users after the Android 4.4.4 update. That said, the Galaxy Nexus was more than capable of running Android KitKat – even the Nexus One was – the final call is up to Google - these employees might just be doing viability tests. All we can do is cross our fingers and wait till Android L is officially released sometime in the next month or so.

What do you think the chances are of Android L on the Nexus 4 happening? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: via Android Police