
How to find out which apps are draining your phone’s battery


In today’s digital age, our smartphones have become indispensable tools, but they often come with a common woe – battery drain. The culprit behind this annoyance is often a handful of power-hungry apps running in the background. In this guide, we will unveil the mystery behind battery drain and show you how to identify and tame those energy-guzzling apps on your smartphone.

Step 1:

Access Battery Usage Information

  • Unlock your smartphone and navigate to the “Settings” app.
  • Scroll down and locate the “Battery” or “Battery & Performance” section.

Step 2:

Analyze App Battery Usage

  • Tap on the “Battery Usage” or similar option.
  • Here, you’ll find a list of apps and their respective battery consumption percentages.

Step 3:

Identifying Power-Draining Apps

  • Look for apps with unusually high battery consumption percentages.
  • Pay attention to the “Background” usage, as this indicates apps that are consuming power even when you’re not actively using them.

Step 4:

Investigate and Take Action

  • Tap onthe power-draining app to get more detailed information.
  • Examine whether the high battery usage is justified by the app’s functionality. Sometimes, certain apps, like social media or navigation apps, naturally consume more power due to their features.
  • Consider alternatives: If you find an app is draining too much battery for your liking, look for alternative apps that offer similar features with lower power consumption.
  • Adjust app settings: Some apps allow you to tweak their settings to reduce background activity or update frequency.

Step 5:

Update Apps and Operating System

  • Outdated apps may contain bugs that contribute to battery drain. Keep your apps up to date.
  • Ensure your smartphone’s operating system is also updated, as newer versions often include optimizations for better battery life.

Step 6:

Utilize Battery Saver Modes

  • Most smartphones offer battery saver modes that limit background processes and reduce performance to conserve power.
  • Enable the battery saver mode when you need to extend your device’s battery life.

Step 7:

Uninstall or Disable Problematic Apps

  • If you identify an app as a major battery drainer and you rarely use it, consider uninstalling it.
  • For pre-installed apps that you can’t uninstall, you may be able to disable them through the “Apps” or “Application Manager” section in your settings.


Don’t let power-hungry apps drain your smartphone’s battery life and impede your day-to-day activities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can take charge of your device’s energy consumption and make informed decisions about which apps deserve a spot on your smartphone. Stay vigilant, stay efficient, and enjoy extended battery life without sacrificing functionality.