
HP TouchSmart eStation Zeus/Zeen Bundle

HP has been keeping their Android tablet project pretty quiet, as the only information we knew of this device came from anonymous tipsters and the usual limited image from the FCC. Engadget has gotten their hands on a few images of this device hanging out in China. According to Engadget, this looks to be one of the final prototypes, and as you can see in the images provided, HP has thrown their TouchSmart UI atop the Android OS. We’re still unsure if HP will upgrade the tablet to Android 2.2 before launch or if the device will ship with Android 2.1, but it looks like HP is taking their time to introduce a nice product.

It looks like HP has removed Gmail and the Android Market access, but has provided an email client as well as integrated Yahoo! services like Mail and Messenger, and has also kept the Facebook for Android application.  With applications like 60 minutes, MSNBC and Dreamworks HP, it looks like they are trying to provide more than their competitor.

Don’t expect to catch this Android tablet riding solo; we’re learning now that the SKU for an individual tablet has been canceled. The only way to grab this Android tablet is with the HP TouchSmart eStation Zeus printer which is rumored to be bundled at $399. The image of the printer (below) was uncovered by one of Engadget’s readers that sent in HP’s product page.

With the Samsung Galaxy Tab coming with everything you could want for in a high-end Android tablet, one of its selling points is the wireless printing feature that is accessible just like any picture share option on your current Android device and as long as you have a wireless printer handy, you can instantly print photos, webpages etc… from the Android 2.2 tablet. It looks like HP is trying to offer a similar feature with their HP Zeus/Zeen bundle. Consumers do not like limitations so we think it will be hard for this HP bundle to compete.

With the reputation Samsung has with their Galaxy S devices, do you think the HP eStation Zeus/Zeen bundle will appeal to consumers?

Via: Engadget 1, 2