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  • 22 May, 2012

HTC Amaze Gets some Sense 4.0 Love Handed to It

I know a lot of die hard Android users out there are not really a huge fan of Sense. I am right there with you. I must say though, after getting the HTC One S, and giving Sense 4.0 a try, they have definitely made some improvements. Improvements where even the most HATERS of Sense might say, “Oh well that is kinda cool.” Might be a long shot, but you never know.

Well in comes XDA developer sportsstar89 and his team named Team Nightmare. Looks like they have successfully ported over Sense 4.0 to the HTC Amaze, but this is no means a finished build. So do not get to excited if you were looking forward to this on your Amaze. It boots, touchscreen works, and surprisingly the bluetooth works. So if you are courageous enough to give it a try and help out the developers, do so now. Let us know how it is going.

Port Thread
Source: XDA