
HTC Employees say MyTouch 3G won’t include Sense UI

When I attended the GDGT technical evening in Chicago a few days ago, I was talking to the HTC employees on the HTC stand and I asked them what they knew about the rumored Android 2.1 update for the MyTouch 3G and the potential for it to include the Sense UI.

They flat out told me that the rumors where all false and that the MyTouch 3G was not capable of running the Sense UI with it’s current memory limitations.  I can tell you that the guys I spoke to didn’t want to disclose anything about anything so I wouldn’t take their answer too seriously.  We already know that the MyTouch 3G can run the Sense UI as it has already been converted by community developers.

So I don’t want to pass out bad news, but wanted to let you all know what HTC is saying.

Let’s hope this is not true and that the T-Mobile MyTouch 3G will in fact get the Android 2.1 update with Sense.

Anyone else heard any rumors of the updated since we ran the previous post?