
HTC Merge Visits U.S. Cellular April 29th

Leaked infromation seems to be the calling card of the HTC Merge after plaguing the internet at the end of last year with pictures and inventory leaks. However unlike last year we’re not seeing nearly as many pictures and alot more dates and database images referring to availability and carrier selection. As you may remember tyhe Merge was announced as being available on multiple carriers, and so far it’s on the right track visiting such carrier as Alltel, Cellular South, and an expected release on Verizon as we’ve known for quite a while.

One more wouldn’t hurt would it? It seems U.S Cellular is also getting this phone as the leaked images above and below point out. No pricing information is listed however a release date of April 29th has been mentioned. All that’s left is an announcement from Verizon and Sprint, it’s pretty much a go for Verizon as we’ve seen numerous pictures of the Verizon branded Slider, but without anything official from Verizon it’s hard to say if the HTC Merge will hit shelves.


Source: Android Central