
HTC One A9 will be launched with Android 6.0 and Sense 7

With the financial troubles front and centre at HTC, all eyes are on the next device that the Taiwanese manufacturer releases. Word on the street is that this device will be announced at an event booked on September 29th, and that device will be the HTC One A9, or as some know it, the Hima or Aero. While we’re expecting all manner of power on the inside of the device, we’ve heard about the software side of things thanks to serial HTC leaker, LlabTooFeR. According to LlabTooFeR, the HTC One A9 will be launched with Android 6.0 and Sense 7, which makes a bit of sense seeing as Google is expected to be announcing its new devices that same day and releasing Android 6.0 Marshmallow into the wild.

With that in mind, we should probably take this news with a grain of salt – it’s been suggested that the device being announced could also be the HTC Butterfly 3, which holds slightly more water seeing as its only been 6 months since the One M9 was released. Then again, they could be the same device. All the same, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 was announced a few weeks early, so I feel like anything could happen at this point.

What do you think about the fact the HTC One A9 will be launched with Android 6.0 and Sense 7? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Phones Review