
HTC One S-ness: Early CM10 Jelly Bean Android 4.1.1 Build on the HTC One S

Alright my fellow HTC One S brothers. Time to check out a little bit of Jelly Bean on our beloved phone. There are actually 3 JB builds for the One S, and I rocked this early CM10 build for a couple of days. This build comes from developer djsubtronic, and I must say, it is pretty sexy.

First alpha builds that come out for the One S, were not anything pleasing. Hardly anything worked. You could not make phone calls, or jump on WiFi. It has come along way, let me tell you. I was impressed on how smooth and fast it ran, and by how much features worked. This build could pretty much be a DD for the One S, but it does have its issues. Google Now worked like a charm, and all Google apps worked great, except YouTube had a problem with not being able to display the toggles in landscape mode. After awhile I started getting random force closes, and my battery life began to suck bad. After doing anything for about two minutes, the phone would get hot, and the battery would not last more than five hours. What can you expect from an early alpha build though.

So check out the latest “HTC One S-ness” segment down below for a quick run through of Jelly Bean on the One S.