
HTC Rethinks Decision – Desire Will Receive Gingerbread Update

Is it true that all publicity is good publicity? Ask HTC.

Among the various news article rolling out yesterday one clearly stuck out. In a fashion now seeming to become the norm HTC released a statement regarding there countless struggles with the upcoming HTC Desire update, and then concluded that due to size constraints within the phone the update wouldn’t be possible. Less than a day later they’re singing a different tune, now stating: “Contrary to what we said earlier, we are going to bring Gingerbread to HTC Desire.” Of course having said that the whole problem had to do with the phone itself, it’s hard to say what this new update will consist of, perhaps an older version of Sense UI or possibly no Sense at all.

Over the past months we’ve seen one of the best, if not the best, manufacturer for Android devices do and say things a bit outside of character. Although all the decisions in question were quickly retracted, one is left wondering why they made them in the first place. The simple answer to this is not a simple clerical error but rather the negative response received by the many HTC fans. While we may not know what to expect within the upcoming update, it’s hard not wonder what HTC has coming in the future. [Thanks to the few that sent this in]


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