
HTC’s Facebook Phone’s UI Visuals Leak Out


We are a day away from the unveiling of the new HTC Facebook phone, the First, and yesterday we got our first look at the social media phone. Today, we get another look at the phone, but this time with some UI visuals displayed on the screen. Anyone impressed yet?

From these shots, this phone is definitely going to be for the picture-taking, social media junky. You get the same options as other Android phones when sharing your pictures to whichever social media outlet you want, and the UI is pretty minimalistic. Widgets should play a strong part in the new UI, giving your Facebook updates, as well as Instagram updates right on your homescreen. Other than that, I do not see anything in these images that brings out that WOW factor. Let us know what you guys think, and if this Facebook phone is catching your eye.




Source: 9 to 5 Google