• News
  • 26 December, 2011

Huawei working towards Ice Cream Sandwich for the MediaPad a.k.a. the T-mobile SpringBoard

Huawei has been around for quite a while. Although not to popular or wide-spread here in the states, they have a number of fairly good devices available globally. One of the latest Huawei devices to make it stateside is the reasonably priced tablet on T-Mobile called the SpringBoard. Coming in at $50 less than the 7″ Galaxy Tab, the Springboard is a pretty good little tablet.

The latest news from Huawei is in the form of a leaked photo showing the MediaPad sporting a build of Android 4.0.1. Even though this is a little bit older compared to the Android 4.0.3 that Google has released and made available as the standard for phones and tablets going forward. This is still a step in th right direction, they have to start somewhere right? If things progress in a speedy fashion T-Mobile users could see the SpringBoard being the first tablet on the carrier to get an Ice Cream Sandwich update. We can only hope that is doesn’t take another 6 months to get it out to users.

Source: Androidos.in