
Ice Cream Sandwich OTA being pushed to Acer Iconia Tab A200

Good morning all, hope you guys had a great weekend. I know some of you definitely did. As of yesterday some of you Acer Iconia A200 owners received a nice little pop up that prompted you for update. Moving your newly purchased Acer tablet to build number Acer_AV041_A200_1.037.00_PA_CUS1. I am certain that doesn’t mean squat to most of you, but after the update installs and your tablet reboots, you are greeted with Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3. Not a bad Valentines Day gift if you ask me.

As per usual OTA roll out procedure, not all of you may have the update just yet. It can take a little time for it hit ever tablet on the market. If patience  is not one of your virtues, you can always attempt to force prompt the OTA by hitting up your device Settings >  About Tablet > System Update > Check Now. On a side note, this build is a little different from the one that was leaked out a few days ago. The investigation on what is really different about it is underway and you can check in with the discussion over at the Acer Forums. Happy updating.

Source: Acer Tablet Forums via Androidpolice