To start, we plan to work very closely with the early adopter companies, so not everyone that applies will be accepted right away, but the program will continue to expand over the coming months… Inbox wasn’t created to reinvent email, Inbox was created to help you reinvent the way you get things done. This means we need to understand more about how things get done (or don’t) today. And with your feedback, who knows, we could reinvent the way people work.

It won;t be as simple as just shipping your work email an invite that you might have lying around still. Rather, admins who are in charge of your work emails accounts will need to fire off an email to from the Gmail Apps account. Once submitted you will have to sit on your hands for a bit as they aren’t expected to start sending out the invites to grant access until early next month. Which, isn’t even a week away.

Anyone linking their Gmail admins to get the ball rolling to see how it plays out for work use?

Source: Goolge for Work