
International Samsung Galaxy S III seeing beta Jelly Bean Port

The week started out a little bit slow as everyone around the web and the world prepared for Google I/O. We knew it would be the best event Google has put on yet and we were right. So many wonderful things were announced and showed off that it almost made our heads spin. One of the biggest and best was probably the announcement of the Nexus 7, but Jelly Bean has to be right up there since it was pushed out already to the unlocked GSM versions of the GNex and quickly modified for other devices. Now there are  ports for the Verizon Gnex, the Sprint Gnex and even one under way for the HTC One X. Most being built off the update that was released, but some use of the SDK is helping out a bit too.

Now we can add another device to the list of Jelly Bean goodness, the international Samsung Galaxy S III, I9300. XDA member Faryaab and randomblame, they have Jelly Bean port in progress. But much like the One X version, there is more not working than there is working.

What’s working:

  • ADB
  • Touchscreen
  • Hardware Acceleration
  • Notification LED
  • Cellular Rado (But No Audio so no Calls)
  • Physical Buttons
  • SMS
  • Accelerometer
  • Charging
  • Maybe More
What’s not working:
  • Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/NFC
  • Audio
  • Camera
  • MTP
  • Storage
  • Maybe more

It is still a step in the right direction. Things will get better as time progresses. Working from other device builds and the SDK isn’t an easy task. That should all change when Google releases the Jelly Bean source in the middle of next month. You can expect CyanogenMod to begin working on it then and we are certain plenty of other developers will be on board and make the impossible possible.

If you have the courage and the time to kill, head over to XDA and take a look. Flash at your own risk and as Faryabb mentions, “This is just for fun and 80% stuff doesn’t work so this can NOT be your daily driver.”

Source: XDA