
Iron Man’s Voice Assistant ‘Jarvis’ Becomes a Reality…Sorta


Tony Stark has some pretty awesome toys at his disposal. Anytime I watch either of the Iron Man movies, or the Avengers, I just want all his toys to become a reality. Looks like one very important toy that he has, is seeing some life in the real world.

Iron Man’s voice assistant, Jarvis, is trying to be brought to life by a team at this year’s Disrupt NY Hackathon. Tech Crunch sat done with Hack co-creator, Felix Rieseberg, to talk about what they wanted to achieve with Jarvis. Using APIs provided by Twilio, Weather Underground, and Ninja Blocks, Jarvis will help you control different aspects of your home. You can have him turn on and off your lights, and he will check weather conditions, as well as top news headlines when you ask him to. All this can be done by dialing a certain number from any phone with enabled voice commands. So you very well can have him turn on lights, or possibly adjust room temperature, all from your smartphone before you actually get home.

Now of course, this is nothing like Iron Man’s Jarvis. First, the voice does not sound anything like him, and I really think they should add his accent to the voice assistant. It would just make it that much cooler. Second, you are not going to be able to have full on conversations like Tony Stark does when he’s in his suit. It is still pretty awesome though. People seem to really love voice assistants, and this one has pretty great potential. If you want to see Jarvis in action, click the Tech Crunch source link below for their interview, and demonstration videos. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Tech Crunch