
Jelly Bean with SenseTM 4+ headed to HTC One S and One X in October

Yes, we know it is currently October. So in all reality, some time in the next 29 days, both the HTC One S and HTC One X will be getting Jelly Bean update. This little nugget of information was neatly tucked away inside the recent press release announcing this wonderful little news.

HTC also announces SenseTM 4+ with Android Jelly Bean upgrades for
HTC One X and HTC One S coming soon

The Android Jelly Bean with HTCâ„¢ Sense 4+ update is scheduled to begin rolling out for the HTC Oneâ„¢ S and HTC Oneâ„¢ X from October.

The new SenseTM 4+ should be faster, cleaner and a whole lot nicer. It will feature a Tap and Go function designed to allow you to simply tap your device to the Beats Speakers’4 unit and it will connect. It will also bring the new HTC Watch 2.0 and the introduction of the video hub. This puts all of your video entertainment in a single place. While a new Sense update is nice, we are more interested and excited about Jelly Bean.

Have no fear, we will keep you informed of when these updates start hitting devices. I will tell you this though, if my wife’s One S gets Jelly Bean before my Galaxy S III, I am gonna be mad. I feel pretty confident that while HTC might have the update out this month, T-Mobile and AT&T will drag their feet a little as usual and not have it out for a while longer.