
Jealous of MIUI users and their Lockscreens? No reason for that anymore, check out MagicLocker

Anyone that has been around our little site for at least the last month has seen quite a few lock screen themes made for us MIUI users. They are widely popular and continuously sought after. With a simple mtz file dropped into the right folder you can change the entire look, feel and usefulness of your lock screen. It is one of the single greatest  and easiest ways to get a little extra out of your device. The rest of you out there have been limited to what is wither pre-loaded to your device or what might be offered in your other custom ROM. Modifying those was either nearly impossible or far from user-friendly. You have options out there though, we have brought you a look at a few in the past like WidgetLocker. Which is a great alternative lock screen app replacement for a small fee of $1.99.

There is a new player in the lock screen app game though. MagicLocker Main by has landed on the market and taken over the custom lock screen scene with a vengeance.  Offering some of the same much-loved features and lock screen themes as the MIUI users enjoy. Primarily the ease of which you can locate and install a new lock screen theme. The application offers an in-app database of themes that you can quickly and easily find, install and set. That is pretty darn cool.

There are also a number of lock screen themes available in the market either for FREE or to purchase. I counted 17 currently available in the market. They range from the puzzle lock from Samsung, HTC Sense style to the much-loved and just as easily hated iPhone slider. They also have a few custom ones like Pulp Fiction and Darkness. The darkness theme is 0.99 and offer you the lock button with the 5 way unlock that is widely used.

This is a phenomenal option for anyone looking for a quick and easy way to add a little flair to their device with out the need for root and all the extra leg work.

The developers have made a small mention in the about section of the app in the market. There is one small bug that is easy to fix and happens to a small number of people. If you experience the dreaded double lock screen simply access the MagicLocker app and go to settings, uncheck and then recheck the ‘Enable MagicLock’ check box. Should be all set after that and be able to enjoy the new lock screens without any issues.

Feel free to check it out below by clicking or scanning the QR code.

Application: MagicLocker
Cost: FREE