
Kindle for Android updates: Audiobooks can be started before download is done

There are plenty of ways to read, or listen, to a book. The Kindle app for Android is one of them. Today Amazon has pushed out an update to the book reading, audiobook listening, app that moves it to version 4.7. The update isn’t monumental, but it does add two very cool and useful features.

Kindle for Android

On the audiobook front you will finally be able to start listening to the book prior to it finishing its download. This is almost a no brainer feature that should have been around much sooner. If the torrent world can start watching a movie before it finishes, why did it take so long for spoken words in an Audio file?

The other feature that will be a nice addition for those users who use books for study, reference or possibly book clubs, is the ability to tap on highlights and change things. Things that are simple like the color, what is hightlighted and editing notes.

Te remainder of the update includes localized support for Dutch and the usual “several bug fixes” listing. The update is live on the Play Store for those who want to pick it up. You can also head straight to the app via the link below.