• News
  • 6 February, 2012

KISS themed Angry Birds in Negotiations

If you don’t know who KISS is then you really need to get out more. Everyone has at least heard of KISS and more importantly Gene Simmons. You know, the guy with the tong that sticks out like a mile. Gene Simmons has marketed the band for years. There are DVD Board games, Kasket’s and Urns, Mr. Potato heads, Christmas tree ornaments and even video games. None of this is news to a KISS fan.

Now it seems that a new potential KISS deal could be in the works. Rovio has apparently approached Mr. Simmons to talk about an official Angry Birds released based on the popular, face-painted rock band.

“The Angry Birds people were up here and we sat down and we playedAngry Birds.We blew some buildings apart, catapulted some of the birds, and then their eggs were stolen,” Gene told IndustryGamers. “We’re talking withAngry Birds, KISS andAngry Birds, which will become a deal.”

Beyond the fact that they are talking, we have no other information. Will the birds get a face lift and look like Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter? Maybe we will just see some KISS music in the background while we hurl those little birds over frantic crowds at a stage full of pigs. There are a lot of different directions that Rovio and KISS could take it. Hopefully it isn’t just a KISS plush toy deal with the bird in face paint holding instruments. I think no matter what they do, this will be one version of Angry Birds that I will have to have and I hope other rockers and rappers alike start making some calls to Rovio.

Via IndustryGamers

UPDATE: Apparently Gene smoke to quick. Even though the quote we used stated ‘deal’ we never actually said it was a sure thing. He retracted the ‘deal’ part saying – “Apologies to our Angry Birds friends. We spoke too soon. And should not have. We do not have a deal.” Which doesn’t mean anything really. Just that his use of the word was not correct. Just because they don’t have a deal yet doesn’t mean they aren’t working on one. It just means no one has a signed a contract yet. In my eyes that means there is something in negotiations, just as we said.