
@Krylon360 Sneaks Another Vibrant 4G Gingerbread Build off the Samsung Servers

One the many things I enjoy about working with Android and the community has to be the ability some people have to get their hands on new updates. I am not talking about the updates that are hitting devices slowly, I mean the updates that don’t yet exist. @Krylon360 seems to be on point when it comes to pulling this off. He has unearthed yet another pre-build of Gingerbread for the T-Mobile Vibrant 4G.

What Time is it? It’s Leak Time 🙂 T959VUVKH2 Build Date 08/11 Aug 11 23:26:34 KST 2011

Here we go again.
Found another leak for the SGS4G. This one has a build date of 08/11.

I’m sure this fixes some issues that were found in KH1.

Same steps, Extract then ODIN to flash.

I’m sure a Deodexed version will come soon.
Thanks to my partner in crime Chainfire

If you are among the brave few that have been flashing these builds over the last few weeks, you can stop in at krylon360’s RootzWiki thread and snag the download file needed.

Thanks @Krylon360 for all your hard work.