
Leak suggests ceramic white Galaxy Note 2, second color TBD and new rumored Galaxy S III color Too

As you all know, there are only two days left before Samsung announces the Galaxy Note 2. We have all seen the leaked specs and the wanna be leaked images. Even with the few little leaks that have gotten out, we still really don’t know a heck of a lot about the new Note 2. That will all change soon. Now those wonderful folks at SamMobile have snagged a little ultra tiny bit of information. While not all that amazing or surprising, a retailer spreadsheet is confirming a ceramic white color for the Note 2. Which will carry the name of the N7100. Again not all that surprising. The second color option is still listed as TBD. Not sure if Samsung will bring it in a traditional black, or possibly go with the cobalt blue like the Galaxy S III. It is surely going to be a darker color offering though. The sites source is also claiming the Note 2 will be appearing during week 40 of the year. That translates into October 1-7.

Along side this little tid-bit of info, there was another small leak. This one points to another new Samsung Galaxy S III color offering, a ‘ Titan Grey’ choice.  This could be nothing more than the black that we have already seen floating around though as the supposed launch timeline is right in the mix, pegged for week 37. That places it right in the middle of September.

All of this is still heavily rumored, but is quite easily plausible. We will know all the details that you and we all want to know in 2 more days. Is everyone getting excited yet?

Source: SamMobile via Droid Dog