
LG G2 QuickWindow Case Is Announced Even Before Phone Is Officially Seen

lg g2 quickwindowThe LG G2 is by far one of the most leaked smartphone we’ve ever seen; short of the phone actually being sold early, we’ve seen quite a lot of leaked photos and videos of the device to give us a good idea of what to expect. Perhaps LG is humouring us then when they announced the LG G2 QuickWindow case, a case not unlike Samsung’s S View Cover for the Galaxy S4, before we’ve actually been given an official viewing of the device.

The QuickWindow gives the user a small window to the LG G2’s screen, allowing information such as incoming phone details, weather, music player, alarm and texts. All it requires is a swipe of the screen and the QuickWindow UX will appear, making this function a lot like a smartwatch’s capabilities, just without the watch. The QuickWindow will be available at launch of the LG G2 and will come in white, blue, purple, yellow, pink, mint and black.

What do you think about the QuickWindow case? And what do you think about the QuickWindow UX features? Let us know what you think.

Source: engadget