
LG G3 exploded on bed while charging, destroys mattress

Smartphones in general are incredibly safe and reliable, but even the most stringent quality control can sometimes result in a bad egg. That appears to be the case after news broke that a LG G3 exploded on an unfortunate person’s bed. The story was posted on Reddit after the LG G3 was left charging on the bed (though apparently not under a pillow) and spontaneously combusted on the bed. The burning phone burned through the sheets and the battery burned a hole into the mattress, at which point the mattress was thrown out the window. The results of which can be seen in the photos above and below.

LG G3 explodedWe’ve seen plenty of these cases before with many different handsets, though we’d stop short of indicting the LG G3 as a death trap – despite the fact the device was apparently completely stock (battery included), the occurrence does appear to be completely random and just a bit of bad luck. We’d assume that LG is on the case investigating what happened, but with that said, it’s a common comment that the LG G3 does heat up quite a bit under load and charging, so just as precaution, use common sense and leave it charging somewhere with plenty of ventilation.

What do you think about a LG G3 exploding? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Reddit via Phandroid