
[Lightning Review] Studio Neat Cosmonaut Wide-Grip Stylus, Bigger can be Better

Alright guy’s, I’m normally not the stylus using type but after I purchased my Nexus 7 tablet, I knew I was going to have to break down and get one. The guy’s over at Studio Neat were awesome enough to send me one and I must say I am very impressed. Just by looking at it the word “Crayola” may come to mind, but don’t let it fool you; it is a very simple design and does exactly what it’s meant to do. Surprisingly for its size, the stylus is awesome for drawing app’s, such as SketchBook, and is pin point accurate when selecting app’s, typing on the keyboard, and any other task you can can think of.

The thing that I like most about the Cosmonaut is that it has a good bit of weight to it with a solid core and a rubbery outer texture that is easy to grip.  The stylus will work on almost any capacitive display and is a must have if you like the flexibility an accuracy of a stylus. It worked wonders on my Nexus 7 and I often find myself using the stylus more than my fingers now. Even to play games where touch is a requirement.

The video above offers up some insight into the design idea behind the Cosmonaut. It is the same height and width as a standard Dry Erase marker with the cap off. As mentioned before, this is what gives the stylus its size, but also its ease of use and comfortable grip. Having played around with a normal stylus before, they have always seemed so small, wimpy and kind of hard to hold onto.

After watching the next little video they created to help share their product, yes that is Mr. Rogers and no he wasn’t really involved, it looks like the core is made from a solid piece of Aluminum. Then it is wrapped in a rubber coating that gives you the grip.

Studio Neat is a rather small company, but they have a great product going for them. The video shows how much care is put into each Cosmonaut. What is even better, in my opinion, is it was designed and is manufactured here in the great U.S. of A. Not to many products out there can make that claim anymore.

Head on over to Studio Neat’s website to check one them out for yourself. Not much more information is listed then what I have provided. You can order them directly from the website for just $25. They can also be found on, like most everything. If Amazon is your shopping choice, then you can find a link to the product down below. Looks like it is getting some great reviews in there too.

Amazon sales page – Cosmonaut: Wide-Grip Stylus for Capacitive Touch Screens