
APP: LogMeIn Ignition now available on the Android Market, Beta expires on July 21st

After a few months in a closed beta, LogMeIn Ignition has officially been released and is available on the Android Market for $29.99. On a general note, I’m personally a huge fan of LogMeIn, and have been using their free LogMeIn service for the past few years on dozens of different computers (parents, family, work, home, desktop, HTPC, etc). The user-friendly website makes taking over a computer painless and easy, and the client is very unobtrusive and resource friendly. When I heard they were developing an Android app and releasing it to a number of testers, I jumped at the opportunity to try out the beta. Although it is certainly on the pricier side of apps, it’s well designed interface and GUI make it worth the investment, especially considering the fact that you can install the client on more than one computer. I highly recommend LogMeIn Ignition to those interested in a well designed remote access app for Android (1.5 and above). You can always return it by uninstalling it within 24 hours if your decide it’s not for you, but I doubt you will.

Also, those of you that have the beta have only a few days left to play with it before it “expires”. It was an easy decision for me.

Download the application using this link on your Android device or by scanning the QRCode below: