
Looking for Some Beautiful Widgets Weather Skins? Vos Has Got You Covered

Again with the themes/skins you ask? Absolutely! After taking a look at my poll from earlier and seeing how many people are clicking in for the goodies I dig up, I just can’t help myself by please everyone.

A high majority of the Android community uses Beautiful Widgets to achieve their desired look for a weather,clock and battery appearance on screen their home screen. As with most things that can be skinned, finding your personal favorite takes time and patience. That’s where people like xda-developer Vostradamus come in and save the day. A high majority of his skins are available through the app it self, but it can take some time for them to be approved and uploaded. So he has created a thread with all his skins and updates often.

He really has some great skins available. They should be listed, if memory serves me correctly, as Vos in the application. You can also head on over to his thread and pick up the downloads on your own if you have trouble finding it.

Source: XDA