
Looking to Learn some Android Programming?

One of the most problematic situations in life, is learning how to code or program. There are numerous websites for you to read through, and sites that get you started but might be a little confusing. Other sites jump in the middle of and expect you to know the basics first. This can easily detour what might be a great developer, to sit on the sidelines and watch instead of participate. We don’t want that. Thanks to a little work from RootzWiki member unkleduke, he has compiled a great little resource to help get you started in right direction.

Free online programming/CS courses for beginners

I see a lot of threads asking where/how beginners can learn programming. I’m trying to teach myself this as well and thought I’d share what I’ve found so far.
Free Courses & Lessons:
Harvard’s intro to Computer Science - CS50
Harvard’s Building Mobile Applications - CS76
Stanford’s Intro to CS with a focus in Java - HERE

I know I have searched for hours for courses like these. There are plenty more listed on the thread for you to link yourself too and help yourself get started in the world of coding. I am interested to see what some of you non developers can develop. Head on over to unkleduke’s RootzWiki thread to find all the links and let us know how much you have learned.

Source: RootzWiki