Google has been updating its core Android apps with
Material Design with each passing week, though one app has remained unceremoniously un-Material-Design-ified (it’s a word):
Youtube. Today, that tumultuous period ends as Material Design arrives on the Android Youtube app with version 6.0.11 and with it brings all the lovely graphical improvements we’ve been pining for, and more. The YouTube app keeps the YouTube red in favour of Google Play Movie’s dulled red, though it appears the header colour changes depending on the channel you are browsing through. Naturally, the YouTube icon has been updated as well to match the scheme that Google has going with
Android Lollipop and Material Design.

The improvements aren’t all just on the graphical side either, with improvements to search filtering which will help more than a few people streamline their searches and better matches the features available in the browser. That’s all we can pick out at the moment since it’s all so new and wonderful, but if you spot something cool, feel free to let us know in the comments below.
While the update should be rolling out now, many of us don’t have the update available yet. Luckily, we have the APK available for download – just hit the link below to get downloading.
YouTube version 6.0.11 APK download
Source: Android Police