• News
  • 15 February, 2012

Meg Whitman says, ‘I think Android may end up a closed system’. And Blames Motorola/Google Merger

Meg Whitman had some had some pretty interesting words to say while on stage at HP’s global partner summit in Las Vegas. First, she talked about HP’s commitment for an open WebOS, and then had this to say:

[quote]I think there is room for another operating system. iOS is great but it is a closed system. I think that Android may end up as a closed system because of [Google’s] relationship with Motorola.[/quote]

OH NO SHE DI-NT! Oh but she did. Now of course there are going to be some changes due to the Google and Motorola merger, but what was she smoking? If Android would end up a closed system, it would cause an apocalypse, or at least something close to that. Well I am sure she was just trying to get the crowd going, because let’s face it, her company is not exactly making a dent in the mobile market.

Would you guys stick with Android if it closed up? If you wouldn’t, which OS would you head over to?

Source: The Verge