
Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, 3 and X all on sale 50% Off

Metal Slug SNK Playmore
We see another round of games on sale that we thought you guys might be interested in jumping in on. SNK Playmore has put all four Metal Slug games on sale for 50% their original price tags. Moving them from the usual $3.99 down to $1.99. I am sure that many of you out there grew up pumping quarters into SNK machines to play this side scrolling shooter. I know I dropped a good $10 a weekend at the bowling alley for a few years. You should probably snag these before the price tags go back up. I looked around their site and a few other places, but don’t see if or when the prices might go back up.

Metal Slug – Sale $1.99 Regularly $3.99

Metal Slug 2 - Sale $1.99 Regularly $3.99

Metal Slug 3 - Sale $1.99 Regularly $3.99

Metal Slug X - Sale $1.99 Regularly $3.99

SNK Playmore has also dropped the price tag on Blazing Star from $2.99 to just $0.99. That might also be on your list of games to pick up.

Blazing Star - Sale $0.99 Regularly $2.99

I am sure some of you could use some action in your life to help you survive Spring Break, I know I do.