
Microsoft knows Android is big, launches OneNote to the Market

Now here is a company that makes their own device OS, PC OS and sues the crap out of Android, but they still know there is potential with our user base. Microsoft has just released OneNote into the Android market for us to use and enjoy. OneNote is an all-in-one note taking application that is already bundled up with in Microsoft‘s must purchase Office Suit or products. With in the app you can create bullet points, to-do-list and even through in some photos for good measure. The notes you take while mobile will sync up with your skydrive and ultimately be available via any internet accessible device and sync with OneNote on your Windows PC.

Microsoft is sure to point out a small limitation to the FREE version. You can only take 500 notes. After the limit is reached you can still edit, view, delete and sync your notes, but not create new ones. This leaves one question in my mind, will there be a paid version at some point.

This isn’t Microsoft’s first venture into the Android Market. They actually have a total of eight applications already available. For all the haters out there that will tear this app a new one, stop and think for a second. This is technology. Sure they sue us, sure they are jerks at times, but they are still in it to make a profit and provide extended services to operating systems that millions of people own. I wish Apple would see the light and start making apps for Android too.

Application: OneNote Mobile
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Cost: FREE