
Review: Kingston Wi-Drive offers storage expansion solution for Android Devices

The Kingston Wi-Drive is a pocket-sized portable external hard drive with a built-in WiFi transmitter and rechargeable battery. The drive can connect to any computer, laptop or netbook via a USB port and allows users to store files of their choosing, including photos, music and videos. The files on the drive can then be accessed wirelessly with your Android device using the Wi-Drive’s transmitted WiFi signal along with Kingston’s application from the Android Market. The Wi-Drive also recharges while connected via USB, or when connected to an AC adapter with a USB port and charged using any standard wall socket.

Setup and use of the Kingston Wi-Drive is a pretty straight-forward, easy process. After connecting the device to a computer and storing files, unplug the drive from your computer (remember to eject first), then press and hold the power button on the top right-hand side of the drive until you see the green LED light illuminate. After a few seconds, a blue light will begin to flash on the front of the device, letting you know the WiFi connection is active.

Kingston Wi-Drive Front

Next, you’ll want to go into the wireless settings on your Android phone or tablet and turn WiFi on. Scan for new networks, and you should see the Wi-Drive network available for connection. Select it and your Android device will connect to the Wi-Drive network. Now, to get access to the files on the drive, just open up the Wi-Drive Android app and you will see your Wi-Drive at the top of the list.


It’s important to note, the app page in the Android Market states that the app is in beta, and is intended for use only with Android tablets; however, I have had no issues using the app on my HTC Amaze 4G — I have no problems viewing pictures or streaming music or video from the drive. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be support for Ice Cream Sandwich-enabled devices, as I cannot access the Wi-Drive from my Viewsonic G Tablet running Beta ICS 4.0.X by Team DRH. Of course, it could be my ROM, but judging from the comments in the Market, it looks like I’m not the only one having issues with ICS.

Now, you all know we’re a website with a focus on Android and everything that is even remotely related to our operating system of choice, but I have to admit I am guilty of sleeping with the enemy. That’s right… I own an iPod Touch. The iPhone could never satisfy me in terms of smartphones, but I must admit I do like my Touch, though it doesn’t get nearly as much use as my older generation iPods did.

You’re probably wondering why I would mention such a thing, but that’s one of the features of the Kingston Wi-Drive that helps the product appeal to a larger audience — iOS compatibility. If you are like me and you own an Android phone and tablet, but you can’t seem to part with that iPod (or even if you’re rocking shamefully using an iPhone — I’m not judging), the Wi-Drive serves a double purpose, as you can get access to files and stream music and movies to your iOS device using the Wi-Drive app from the iTunes App Store.

Another feature that I really like is that the Wi-Drive will allow up to 3 users to get access to files simultaneously. This means you can be listening to a song while your significant other is watching a movie and the kids are viewing family photos, all at the same time. I haven’t gotten a chance to actually test it out with anyone else yet, so I’m still kinda curious to see if there would be any lag experienced due to having more than one person connected.

The Yays

The Kingston Wi-Drive is small and lightweight. As I mentioned before, setup and usage couldn’t be easier, so you won’t have to be a rocket scientist to get the device to work. Again, the Wi-Drive is compatible with both Android and iOS devices, so it serves its place on both sides of the fence.

The Nays

First and foremost, there is no Ice Cream Sandwich support. Kingston — get ‘er done! Secondly, the UI of the Android app is definitely not the prettiest I’ve ever seen. There is no way to sort or easily browse your music and movie files. All you get is a folder view of the contents on the drive, so I suggest keeping things organized from the beginning if you plan on filling the drive with a lot of music and movies. This isn’t a deal breaker for me, but I would definitely like to see a more user friendly UI in future updates to the Android application.

Want to Buy?

The Kingston Wi-Drive is comes in two sizes — the 32GB model is $89.99, while the 16GB model runs $49.99. If you’d like to pick one of these babies up, you can do so by clicking the links below. Also, be sure to stop by Kingston’s website for a look at their other great products!