• News
  • 12 March, 2010

Microsoft’s Bing to be Motorola’s default search engine in China!


Is there a cold war going on between Motorola and Google?  Motorola today announced that from this quarter, Microsoft’s Bing will provide search and maps services on its Chinese Android-based smartphones. As you may already know, MS Bing is a true rival to Google. In China, Baidu is the most popular search engine.  According to the Wall Street Journal,  they say that Motorola is planning for a future when Google may pull out of China.

“We believe that consumer choice is one of the most critical components to ensuring a rich and seamless client experience. Motorola and Microsoft have enjoyed a longstanding collaboration and the addition of Bing services to our Android-based smartphones in China is another important step in empowering our end-users.”Christy Wyatt, Corp VP of software and services, Motorola Mobile Devices.”

As you may know, Microsoft launched their first app for Android a week ago and I think Microsoft paid Motorola a lot… more than Google would.  I think that Microsoft knows that the Android OS will conquer the mobile world soon, so they are establishing a relationship with Android.

Keep it up Microsoft. I wish you would discontinue WinMo and join Android.

What do you think people?

Source: Computer World