
MoDaCo HTC Sense ROM for Nexus One: Screen Shot of the Day

I’ve been running the MoDaCo HTC Sense (Desire) Alpha 7 for the last day and I have to say that it amazingly nice, smooth and fairly stable.  There are some minor issues but nothing that distracts from the overall experience.

Paul over at MoDaCo has done an amazing job with this ROM and I just had to post the screen shot above because it’s so cool.  I know it’s not the same when it’s not animated but trust me, it’s snowing here and the weather changed to show this.  When I wok my phone from sleep mode snow started falling down my screen and creating piles of snow at the bottom.  It’s much better when you can see it in real life.

Head over to MoDaCo’s thread and take a look for you self.  It’s well worth the download.

If you’ve already got this puppy installed, let me know what you think!!