
Motorola DEFY Upsets The Natural Balance Of Gadgets vs Elements

Being a previous employee of a big 4 carrier, I remember how many real world people I talked to that wanted Android but knew they would destroy it during their day to day lives. I always felt bad and wished I could do more because I wanted an Android device in the hands of every man, woman and child I talked to. Looks like Moto did something right for once in its design for the DEFY. It really does DEFY all logic of what you should be able to get away with. Vincent fromAndroid Community decided to really take this thing out and test out if it truly was waterproof as advertised, take a look at the following video:

Not only did he take this device for a swim and have it operate, but as you can see he actually was using it while underwater! Absolutely amazing in my book. I know not may of you are purposefully going to take your phone swimming with you. However it is nice to know that if you do, you will be just fine. If by chance you have missed all the news about the DEFY because of all the hype on the Galaxy Tabs, this device has been released and is available for you to purchase. T-Mobile is even offering this super hero of devices for only $99.

I wonder if there is still a liquid damage indicator on the device? Wouldn’t that be comical!

Source: Phandroid