
Motorola Looking to Fix Messaging Issue for the Droid X

With Android 2.2 rolling out to the Motorola Droid X, it looks as if it brought a few issues with it. Users have been reporting to Motorola that their incoming and outgoing SMS messages have been out of order along with intermittent SMS notifications. Motorola has responded in their support forums as Motorola’s Matt has stated the following:

Okay. I have news. I talked to our engineering team and it appears that this will require a software upgrade to correct it. They are already on it and seemed confident that they know the why and the how-to-fix. I don’t have any timeline on when an update will be released, but when I know more I will let you know.

Sorry for this trouble and thanks for all the good detective work and for reporting it.

As you have read above, this issue will require an OTA update and the time frame is still unknown as to when this update will be pushed out. If you would like to read more about the issues, head over to Motorola’s Support Forums and get in on the action. Hopefully, they’ll get you all fixed up soon!

What other issues have you all experienced?

Via: Motorola Support Forums, Phandroid