
Motorola to Spend a Staggering $500 Million on Moto X Phone Marketing


How confident is Motorola and Google in their Moto X Phone creation? Pretty confident. So confident that they plan on investing $500 million into marketing the new phone. Can I just have 1/10 of that?

A recent Wall Street Journal post, let us know that Google is going to allow Motorola to spend this ridiculous amount of money on the new phone. They definitely have some catching up to do if they plan on reaching the success the Galaxy devices have reached. My guess is, that this is the reason for this huge chunk for change that will be thrown to advertisements. WSJ also mentioned that Motorola has taken it upon themselves to let carriers know that they cannot fill this phone with a ton of bloatware. That is relieving to hear, because we all know how much we hate all the useless apps carriers like to clutter their phones with.

So when the Moto X Phone finally gets launched, we are going to see plenty of commercials and billboards for it. Makes you wonder just how well it will do. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Droid-Life