
Need a bulletproof shield? How about a Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Instead

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3Many of us were confused by Samsung‘s move to release the Samsung Galaxy Mega line of devices, particularly the gargantuan Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3. As it turns out, we now know exactly what it was made for (don’t quote me on that). A Chinese man has survived a gunshot thanks to his Mega 6.3 which was nestled in his breast pocket. The gunshot occurred due to an altercation between the victim and another man; the victim had picked up the man’s wallet after it fell out of his pocked and proceeded to joke about buying a beer with it before handing it back. It was at this point that the wallet’s owner took issue with that comment and shot the victim in the chest. Talk about an overreaction…

As you can see from the photo at the top of this article, the phone was destroyed in the shooting, but it’s always good to know that a phone can stand between you and a potentially fatal wound. Samsung has of course superseded last year’s Mega 6.3 with the even more massive Galaxy W; perhaps Samsung should rename the line to be the Galaxy Shield instead. And the lesson here? Make sure you have a larger smartphone in your pocket if you decide to make an inappropriate joke in public. Or, you know, don’t.

What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 stopping a bullet? Do you think a phone over 6-inches is too big? Let us know your thoughts.

Source: BGR via SamMobile