
Eric Schmidt Brings Us the Guide for ‘Converting to Android from iPhone’


I’ve heard it time and time again. “Android is too complicated.” “iPhone is much simpler than Android.” Anytime I have a lengthy discussion with an iPhone user about which mobile platform is better, those two excuses are what is always said. I always try to tell them that they are over thinking it way too much, and that Android is in fact very easy to use. Still, those iPhone users are very stubborn.

Google’s Eric Schmidt decided to give those iPhone users another opportunity to switch to Android, by going to his G+ page and bringing us the guide for “Converting to Android from iPhone.” It is a very detailed guide to setting up your Android phone from when you first open the box. He also provides many links for new users to utilize to get them all set, and I especially love how, at the end of the guide, he says, “Be sure to use Chrome, not Safari; its safer and better in so many ways.  And it’s free.” Just a nice little stab to his ex employer. If you want to take a look at the guide, hit the link below to check it out.

Google+ Page