
New Motorola device teased for October 18th release

Motorola‘s current marketing machine seems to have a bit of a polarizing effect on fans: They either praise the high degree of “cool” factor or scoff at the lack of device-related facts, images, or references (a la Droid Bionic she-ninja spot).

A video entitled “Four reasons to get excited”, was released this morning on the “motorolatv” YouTube channel. It definitely follows in that vein, with nary a shot of the device in question, or tangible facts aside from a release date, 18.10.11. What IS there, is a potentially seizure-inducing montage of an apparently random selection of items getting the slice-and-dice treatment, complete with subtle-but-obvious imagery, like the screen cap above, thrown in for good measure.

Faster.Thinner.Smarter.Stronger. These are the words selected to tease and entice us, and the “reasons” for all the excitement. Hrm. Bionic purchasers are NOT going to be pleased.

Leaked photos of this device, alternately referred to as the Spyder, Droid HD, and most recently, the Droid RAZR, depict a slim, high-style case, Gorilla Glass, and perhaps a mobile phone/android first, what is rumored to be a Kevlar body. Wait, what? Perhaps the projectiles in the video allude to literal bulletproof status? (Hint: don’t bet on it.)

Update: Below screen cap, 0:20 is chemical representation of kevlar. What’s up with “42”? Douglas Adams fans, or actual spec reference? The plot thickens.

Source: Motorola