
Nexus G+ page announces Jelly Bean OTA rollout for Nexus S

Many of you have started to see your Nexus S get a snazzy little OTA update hot your screen. No, you are not dreaming, yes it is Jelly Bean. We let you guys know a little earlier that the OTA was reportedly hitting some devices and even offered up and XDA page to get the file manually if you are the impatient type. Now the Nexus G+ page has gone ahead and made the OTA to Jelly Bean for the Nexus S official. Listing out T-Mobile, H3G, O2, Rogers and multiple country’s with Vodafone. In our last update about this OTA, we also saw mention of Telus and AT&T users seeing an update as well.

Updates like this usually take a little bit of time to hit every single device that is eligible to get it. There are a few things you can try on your own though to trigger the server for it. One is dialing [  *#*#2432546#*#* ] That checks in with the server for updates. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The other method we posted in the previous Nexus S Jelly Bean post, but we will put it here as well.

1. System settings
2. Apps
3. all
4. Google-Service-Framework
5. Delete Data
6. Force stop
7. go to Homescreen
8. System settings
9. about Phone
10. Systemup dates (last time of updatechecking should be 01.01.1970)
11. Check now
12. if not work go to point 1.

People claim that both methods have worked on a numerous amount of device to trigger for the OTA. It never hurts to try, I’d much rather fiddle around and hope than sit around and wait. Have any of you seen the OTA or tried any of these little things and been successful?

Also, to clear up some confusion that seems to be floating around G+ and other places. This OTA is for the GSM Nexus S…. Not the Galaxy Nexus… Which is also made by Samsung but is not the same device. The Nexus S came out last year. It was last years Nexus device. Also, GSM Nexus S does not mean the Nexus S on Sprint. You guys will have to unfortunately wait till Sprint clears the update and adds their apps to it. That could be this week, it could be next month, could be 6 months from now. Hopefully that will help alleviate some of the more popular questions we are seeing.

Via Nexus G+Â