
Nimbuzz Brings HD Calling to Android

Nimbuzz, an app that brings us free calls, chats, and messaging, is now going to bring us HD calls. According to their blog if you download the newest version of Nimbuzz you will receive:
  • HD voice call quality
  • Installed Nimbuzz on SD
  • Updated My Profile
  • New Contact List
  • Free avatars

HD quality calling is only available for Android users who are using the newest version of this app. Nimbuzz says that it uses a peer to peer calling system, the calls that are made don’t go through any servers, they go straight to the mobile device. Doing it this way lessens the chance for a dropped call and allows the calls to be crystal clear.

The newest version of this program will detect either 3g or WiFi, and it will display an HD icon to show that it will be an HD call. Nimbuzz heard the cries of many Android users wanting to make space on their device, and now they are allowing Nimbuzz to install directly to the SD card. Users will now have the ability to update their profile page all from one location.

This new version of Nimbuzz has so many new additions, and upgrades to entice new users to make the switch. If you are interested in learning more about the new features, or want to learn more about Nimbuzz check out this video, or the source link below.

Source Nimbuzz Blog