
Colored Market Versions Available for Multiple Devices

Here we are with another great compilation of mods from B-boy. We just posted his Inverted Google search widget just a but ago. While searching through his collection of work I found these colored variations of the new market. I know how much I love my inverted market and how much everyone enjoyed the color versions of the old market. Well, thanks to B-boy, they are back. Take a look at a few of them below.

As you can tell, unless you are color blind, 3 of the various color options that are available. He also has a the inverted version here as well as pink and purple.  They are made primarily for the Droid, Droid X and Thunderbolt. They may and should work on many other devices. You assume all responsibilities in flashing any of these mods and we recommend you make a back up first as always. Head on over to B-boy’s thread for all appropriate files and install instructions.

Source:  DroidForums