
Nokia Is Still Currently Working On An Android Phone And Has 10,000 Already Made

nokiaWe heard recently that prior to Nokia’s sale to Microsoft, Nokia was actually working on a low-cost Android phone code-named “Mountain View”. This was obviously a contingency for the manufacturer as Windows Phones sales had failed to give them the sort of traction they were hoping for in the smartphone market.

The story goes that this Mountain View phone was actually being developed and tested at the Beijing branch of Nokia and had Foxconn manufacture for them a prototype run of 10,000 units, even before we’d had word about Nokia’s sale.

And the kicker in the story? Development of the Mountain View has still not ceased at the Beijing facility and Foxconn is still churning out more of the units; it looks like it will continue to do so until the Nokia-Microsoft deal is finalized in November. It would be incredible if we could get our hands on one of these devices, but it’s unlikely these units will see the light of day unless the deal between Nokia and Microsoft goes catastrophically wrong.

Would you consider an Android Nokia phone? Let us know if you would and what you think about this news.

Source: CTechnology via Go Android